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Client security 9.2, browsing protection toolbar and firefox 9

stmarti Posts: 27 Security Scout

I've recently upgreded firefox (from 3.x to 9.x/10.x) on some client computers, and the browsing protection toolbar no longer works.


Is there any upgrade for this component compatible with firefox?


  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    BP works until 9.01, but release for 10.0 is pending. Stay tuned!


  • tripodzid
    tripodzid MyAccount Posts: 10 Security Scout

    I just downgraded to Firefox 3.6. I just hate it everything it upgrades, some features get missing. Stick to that version of Mozilla and everything will go well.





    Business is the game!!image

  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    Everything goes well except security!

    What a silly advice!


    DO NO LONGER USE outdated browsers and update them ASAP


    An AV-Product is no replacement for patches!

    Applying the best lifebelts will not help you if your breaks are worn off!

    What you sugest is "cut your breaks and cruise against the next bridge"


    BP for 10,.0 is already available in beta!!!!





  • stmarti
    stmarti Posts: 27 Security Scout

    I've also downgraded to 3.6 in the past.  That version still gets security updates on windows!


    What was really silly about firefox past 3.6 was the rapid version changes, the useless UI, slow, instability etc.

    The only reason for me to finally upgraded to 9/10, that I learned how to use userChrome.css to revert back the old UI without using custom skins.

  • tt-percomp
    tt-percomp Posts: 23 Cyber Knight

    Firefox 3.6 will be End-Of-Life very soon:



    Firefox 10 will be the base version for the initial ESR and, assuming this is the case, Firefox 3.6 will be end-of-lifed on April 24th, 2012 (when Firefox 3.6 is end-of-lifed, an update to the current version of Desktop Firefox will be offered through the Application Update Service).



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