Where to find info about de the latest version?

Hello ,


As an newbee to F-Secure... where can Ii find an overview with the versioen (latest en stabel etc.) for the busines product ? we currently run these versions


F-Secure Client Security 11.60 build 284

F-Secure Server Security 11.01 build 157

F-Secure E-mail and Server Security 11.01 build 157

FS PMC 11.2.56488


I found https://www.f-secure.com/en/web/business_global/downloads

that seems to be the one....

nevertheless feel free to react if I use up-to-date version


e.g. all are used in an VDI (VMWare) enviroment via

F-Secure Offload Scanning Agent 1.00 build 275


Thanks in advance! kind regards Peter


  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172



    > F-Secure Client Security 11.60 build 284

    > FS PMC 11.2.56488


    Please upgrade F-Secure Policy Manager to version 12.00 and then, upgrade the endpoints to FSAV Client Security version 12.00. It is really important!


    > F-Secure E-mail and Server Security 11.01 build 157


    Currently there is no newer version available for FSAV (E-mail) and Server Security beyond the 11.01 edition.


    Best Regards: Tamas Feher, Hungary.

  • oke, I will check, we still have a view 2003 servers..... but migrating now

     (i saw that FS 12 doesnt support 2003 anymore) I also have not yet any experience update by myself

    (it being done by an external party - nevertheless - it looks like other AV's Smiley Happy (ESET...)

  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172



    If I understand correctly, FSPM12 is not supported on Windows 2003 Servers as a new install. However, if you already have FSPM 11.x on Win2003, then in-place upgrade is still possible to version 12, even if it is not mentioned in the documents.


    The problem with older FSAVCS 11.6 endpoint protection version is that it may fail you if a new ransomware arrives. FSAV CS 12 should help. I think it has a higher version of DeepGuard and the Web traffic scanning advanced protection, Connection Control functionality are also valuable.


    Best Regards: Tamas Feher, Hungary.

  • Mis understanding - it's allready running on a W2K12 Smiley Happy 

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