Change categoty of Web Content

RobertoSilvaChu Posts: 33 Junior Protector

Good morning!


I have a customer where F-Secure categorized an URL as Adult, but the URL is a news portal, where have a lot of notices. Where I change the category of an URL in the Web Content?


The F-Secure submit a sample page, just have Harmless Webpage is blocked (False Positive), but dont have the change category option. The URL not a harmful webpage, just its another category, where I change the URL categoty?


Best Regards!


Roberto Chu


  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master



    You should choose the existing category and explain the situation's details in the available message field. (Anyhow, if you dont write a short message in the webform, you won't receive an e-mail response with the verdict.)

    Complaints of false virus alarm or URL detection are judged by human analysts, so they will understand the situation, provided you explain it in the message field.


    Best Regards: Tamas Feher, Hungary.

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