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bypass incompatible application check during install

Illnl Posts: 2 Security Scout

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But is there a switch that can be used to disable the scan for incompatible applications upon installation?






  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Illnl, 


    In case you have a false positive during installation, please report it to our lab with samples so we can make the necessary whitelisting.


    Disabling the protection should always be avoided.


  • Illnl
    Illnl Posts: 2 Security Scout

    Hello Ben,


    Thank you for your reply.

    It is not the anti-malware protection that I want to disable, I want to disable the check for incompatible applications upon installing F-secure.


    Is that a possibility?


    With kind regards,



  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Illnl,


    This is not something you can normally do. 

    Could you tell us which application is reporting incompatibility when you try to install our product?

    A screenshot might help us understand the problem better.

    Which F-Secure product do you try to install?


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