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PMS server Java 100% after several days.

Gaasbeek Posts: 17 Security Scout

I have weird problem.

I have a policy manager running on a Windows 2012 R2 (last updates from februari.)

Running the latest Policy manager.

Updated Java to the last version.


But after several days the Java.exe is going up to 100%.

If i restart the PMS services the cpu load goes back to normal.


This happend also before updating the java version and older version of PMS.

Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 days before this happends, Sometimes it takes 2 weeks....

Any idea what this is causing?



  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Gaasbeek,


    Could you tell us how many hosts are managed by this PMS? 

    Also what is the hardware on this server?

  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Gaasbeek,


    Could you tell us how many hosts are managed by this PMS? 

    Also what is the hardware on this server?

  • Gaasbeek
    Gaasbeek Posts: 17 Security Scout
    800+- Clients and 80 servers are managed bij the PMS.

    Server is running within VMware.
    HW version 9 (current with the esx version running @ this moment)
    Latest VMware tools installed.
    1 CPU 2GB mem (enough for when it is operating normaly)

    When it is running smooth then it uses 1.2/1.3GB and load on cpu between 5 and 20%.
  • Buta
    Buta Posts: 12 Security Scout

    Hello Gaasbeek,


    How much memory do you have allocated for JVM?

    If you use default setting (which is 512M) try to increase it up to 1024M in registry

    (java_args=-Xms64M -Xmx1024M)

  • Gaasbeek
    Gaasbeek Posts: 17 Security Scout

    I have changed the max mem as listed above.

    But same result now.

    Server used 100% cpu starting Monday (16:00) and didnt calm down again.


  • Peter
    Peter Posts: 127 Threat Terminator



    Having a high amount of hosts connect to the server using default FSMA polling intervalls (10 minutes) is also known to cause a similar issue.  Check your polling intervals. The setting in PMC is here:


    f-secure management agen





                           incoming packages polling interval

                           outgoing packages polling interval


    Try increasing the value from default 10 minutes to say 30 minutes or 1 hour. If the issue persists, consider submitting a support ticket, so we can have a closer look at the relevant PM log files.





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