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Server Security 11.01 - Performance Problem with Java applications

China-Dragon Posts: 5 Security Scout



I have major performance problems with java applications on our servers. We switched von Kaspersky to F-Secure and now java applications on the servers are much slower than before.

Applications that opend before within seconds take now up to some minutes ...

e.g. IBM Tivoli Storage Manger Gui take now nearly one minute to start (before some seconds).


I excluded the Storage Manager Gui in the Network Filter ... it gained a bit of performance


what helped a lot was removing scanning of JAR Files (scan of compressed files in the realtime scan)


Any other way? Because it feels a bit unsafe to exclude all jar files on the servers from realtime scanning.

I do not know if Kaspersky was scanning the jar files (because I did not administer the Kaspersky installations) ...


Any hint is welcome

Best regards



  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello China-Dragon,


    You can also try to exclude trusted processes from real-time scanning.

    Please, note, that "Scan inside archives" policy is disabled by default for real-time scanning. Enabling it may affect the performance significantly.


    Best regards,


  • China-Dragon
    China-Dragon Posts: 5 Security Scout



    in deed ... archive scanning was enabled for realtime scanning. I will check if this was my problem ...


    Best regards


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