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webui timing out?

Valerie MyAccount Posts: 5 Security Scout

I've just installed f-secure linux security with the remote web access option turned on.


From the command line, it looks like the installation was a roaring success.


I've added the Listen [my server's ip]:28080 command to httpd.conf and restarted httpd.


when I try to access


https://[my server's domain name]:28082/fsecure/webui, however I get a "server is taking too long to respond" error.


any ideas?


  • Valerie
    Valerie MyAccount Posts: 5 Security Scout

    I should probably add that I HAVE opened 28080 in the firewall!

  • Jari-P
    Jari-P Posts: 35 Cyber Knight

    Hi Valerie,


    Nice that you figured out the problem.


    Thanks for using our community and sharing your knowledge with others.


  • tripodzid
    tripodzid MyAccount Posts: 10 Security Scout

    I was also thinking of using a remote web access for installing F-Secure. Thanks that you have shared your experience on this type of case.




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