Repair/Re-installation of CSPR 12 not removing Offload Scanning Agent

StuartLuscombe Posts: 2 Security Scout

The Offload Scanning Agent got inadvertently rolled out to our physical desktops/laptops. When we have subsequently tried to push out a re-configured install via PMC or via an exported MSI it is not uninstalling the Offload Scanning Agent even though the 'uninstall conflicting products' box is ticked.


This is causing a number of machines to not check in correctly for AV/Software updates until the agent is manuall uninstalled.


Is there a way to get it uninstalled using Powershell/Group Policy?


  • RobertoSilvaChu
    RobertoSilvaChu Posts: 33 Junior Protector



    The best way is remove F-Secure from the machine and reinstall without Offload Scan.

    Use Uninstall Tool to remove and after the reboot, reinstall F-Secure without offload module.


    Best Regards,


    Roberto Chu

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello StuartLusombe,


    This is a known problem, which unfortunately is not fixed yet in latest versions. If you mistakenly select OSA module for installation, the only workaround is to uninstall the product, and then install it again without that module.


    Best regards,


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