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Policy Manager 12.10 and certificate for https

Esa_H Posts: 4 Cyber Knight



Policy Manager 12.10 for Linux adds a secure connection between the server and the managed hosts.  As far as I understand the installation of the FSPMS created a self signed certificate for this connection.


Is it possible to use an alternate keystore?  More specifically, can I change somewhere the passwords used for the keystore and the private key?


  • tle
    tle Posts: 16 Security Scout

    Is there a guide somewhere on HOW TO CHANGE THE CERTIFICATES? PM 12.10 Admin guide did not help at all, there's not even a mention about them in the whole manual.. very poorly documented.

  • UdoChrist
    UdoChrist Posts: 1 Security Scout

    Same here. i'd also would like to see a sort of manual on how to create a keystore with a signed cert and use that for PMS. Reading through manuals does not shed a light on what the requirements are so pms picks up the key from the store

  • dandelion
    dandelion Posts: 31 Junior Protector



    please find the attached  instruction on how to provide a custom certificate to the Policy Manager Server. Please note, though, that this instruction describes the specific case of importing the certificate in PKCS12  format. For more information, please see the Oracle's documentation on 'keytool' utility:


This discussion has been closed.
