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Linux Security TCP ports

niepce Posts: 20 Security Scout

Hello Cat Very Happy


FSLS does bind the following ports :

lo 28005

lo 28078

lo 28080

any 28082


Is there a file where it's defined ? Can I mod this ?

Thanks !


  • adammo
    adammo Posts: 4 Security Scout



    For your information, those ports are being used by Linux Security internally for different purposes as below.


    Interface              Port             Description

    lo                            28005          Web User Interface internal communication port

    lo                            28078           PostgreSQL alert database

    lo                            28080          Local WEb User Interface access

    any                         28082          Remote SSL Web User Interface access


    For more information, you could refer to the following admin guide (Page 11, 'Network Resources').


    Basically, those ports are defined in the following files but we do not really recommend you to change them manually because it may cause an unexpected issue with the product functions or etc.





    Thank you very much.

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