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Not receiving all email alerts from server

NetAdmin Posts: 3 Security Scout

Hi support team,


We are not receiving all email alerts from our F-secure server. We typically only receive error level alerts via email. We do not see security alerts or Fatal errors even though I can see these events in the logs under alerts. I know the relay is working since we will receive some alerts.



I opened a support request about this issue yesterday and have not heard back about it. Information is located below.


Number: xxxxx
Created: 2016-09-20
Subject: Not receiving all email alerts from server


Thank you




EDIT: Removed PII


  • Laksh
    Laksh Posts: 237 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hi Patrick,


    Just to keep you updated, I have already highlighted about your post to our Support team through your case.

This discussion has been closed.
