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Software Update from FSCSPR 12.20 - Not installing some updates

netbaroni Posts: 3 Security Scout

Hey everyone!


Just implemented FSCSPR12.20 and from a clean PC I started deploy updated from Software Update and all was going fine until that simply 2 udpates are not going thrue. Both are Non-security (Security Update for Microsoft Graphics Component,CVE-2016-3209,MS16-120 and Java 8 Update 112).

The results are the same "Could not download update".

Any ideas what it could be?




  • M_M
    M_M Posts: 25 Security Scout

    If updates are downloading from HTTPS sites, try this F-Secure Support suggestion:

    "Policy manager console->view Advanced mode->Be in root level->F-secure Software updater->Settings->Troubleshooting->Ignore revocation server offline error=yes and distribute the policy.and check"

  • netbaroni
    netbaroni Posts: 3 Security Scout

    Hey!, thanks a lot about this information!

    I applied and I will be looking the results!

    Again, thanks a lot!

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