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periodic message: FQM: SQL Server is unavailable or does not exist

KH2016 Posts: 4 Security Scout


I have upgraded F-Secure E-Mail and Server Security to 12.00 on the first member
of an Exchange 2013  DAG (running on Windows 2012R2). The configured
quarantine database is a local installation of Microsoft SQL server 2012 express.

If I use the "test database connection" link in the WebUI, everything is fine:
   "Database connection and access credentials verified."

Nevertheless, every hour there is a new entry the F-Secure log file as well as a mail
message to the administrators about:

    336    2016-11-28  10:54:30+01:00  exserver  SYSTEM  F-Secure Anti-Virus for Microsoft Exchange
     FQM: SQL Server is unavailable or does not exist.

About 10 to 15 seconds after each of those error messages another message gets logged:

    337    2016-11-28  10:54:31+01:00  exserver  SYSTEM  F-Secure Anti-Virus for Microsoft Exchange
     FQM: SQL Server is available.

This looks a lot like the known issue "Email & Server Security quarantine false error message"
but in our case, the error message does NOT say, "Quarantine is not available" but mentions the SQL server as not available.




  • KH2016
    KH2016 Posts: 4 Security Scout



    I received the hotfix FSESS1200-HF01-v2 from F-Secure support and after installing this through policy manager the frequent messages about SQL server being unavailable are gone.





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