Client security premium - ARCHICAD 19 issue

Arsjupiter Posts: 46 Security Scout

Hi Support team !

we have issue about ARCHICAD 19 on clients, i have found the guide is


but this guide require we have to do it manually on client, one by one.

My question is: Do we have any other way to config on Policy Mananger, to solve with this issue ? or we HAVE TO follow this guide and do it manually one by one?


Thank you !


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Arsjupiter,


    Surely you can add the same exclusion from Policy Manager Console Settings, Real Time Scanning Tab, for all required hosts/sub-domains.


    Best regards,


  • Arsjupiter
    Arsjupiter Posts: 46 Security Scout

    Hi  Vad F-Secure!

    Could you pls guide me do it step by step on Policy Management ?

    i'm not clear about the content below, pls give me a hand in detail


    Thank you very much !

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