How to optimize performance of server and client after install PM and Client server security

Arsjupiter Posts: 46 Security Scout

Dear support team !

My customer is complaining about the Business Suite Premium  (they have installed PM in their server and installed client server security premium to their PC already), but the performance of PC is bad after installed F-Secure product, sometime they have to disable F-Secure software to do some other work in their PC.


Could you pls share with us any solution can solve with this issue? do we have any way to config on PM can optimize the PC's performance of customers, any advice for this case?


Thank you very much !


  • Arsjupiter
    Arsjupiter Posts: 46 Security Scout

    Hi, anyone can help me in this case, pls Smiley Sad

  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664 Cybercrime Crusader



    I escalated your case to our support, as more information will be needed to investigate this issue.
    An agent will get in contact with you to give you further instructions.

  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    1.) in CMD start  ..\F-Secure\ORSPClient\ORSPDIAG.exe
    does it say "connectivity : OK"

    2) what settings did you change for RealTimeScanning? Why?


  • Arsjupiter
    Arsjupiter Posts: 46 Security Scout

    Hi MJ !

    2. we haven't changed any config on real time till now, we just want to check does F-Secure has any solution to help the performance working better? (config some parameters or other things)

    1. Yes: connectivity : OK


    i'm collecting the fsdiag in the pc has problem and submit ticket on portal, to check the reason clearly

    thank you !

  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master
    Tell us what they ask you to change please.
This discussion has been closed.
