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FS-CS 12 installation via msiexec fails

dmueller Posts: 8 Security Scout

Hi there,


we  try to rollout F-Secure Client Security 12 on Windows 10 with msiexec and need a forced reboot afterwards.


Our application calls msiexec -i c:\install\fsecure\setup.msi /forcerestart


The F-Secure setup window appears for a second, then the pc reboots before installation is finshed.


It seems the setup.msi doesnt tell msiexec the correct state of installation?

The same procedure worked on XP and Windows  7.


Any suggestion on that?


Thank you in adcance,







  • dmueller
    dmueller Posts: 8 Security Scout
    Thank you Vlad. I´ll contact F-Secure support.
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