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Is this really related?

etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master

Dear Sirs,


Below you will find a trouble report, possibly related to this "known bug" issue:


Software updater databases are NN days old


However, I am not entirely sure if they are really caused by the same bug?


Licence: Educational institute with 300 seats of F-Secure Premium


FSPMS and PMC: 12.31.79713 (It was upgraded from 12.21.78001 on 2017.02.25.)


PMS is a Debian 7 Linux, runs on Proxmox (VM HW: 2GB RAM, 2 core "CPU", 50GB disk, 29GB free)


PMC is a notebook (Ubuntu 16.04 Linux, 8GB RAM, Core i5)



HW: varies, from "ancient" P4-2.8GHz with 2GB RAM to "AMD-X6" with 16GB RAM

OS: Win7 Pro / Ent or higher everywhere

Protection: FSCS "Premium", few 12.00, mostly 12.20 and 12.31.


Problem: after working well for many months, Software Updater just stopped. The PMC Summary page shows, Software Updater database release date line is 2017.02.28. (A few days of hiatus has always been common occurance, but 10 days or more has never been seen there!)


On the PMS side: nothing has changed since the 2017.feb.25. day of 12.21.78001 -> 12.31.79713 version upgrade.


The sysadmin has accidentally reset the Software Updater's counter while trying to troubleshoot, but he remembers the total amount pushed towards workstations was slightly over 600GB. He cannot remember the other value.


He tried to designate some software for patching and watched the developments, but nothing happened.


What do you think about it?


Thanks in advance, Yours Sincerely: Tamas Feher, Hungary.


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Tamas,


    Basing on your description the problem is caused by the known issue you mentioned in the beginning.


    Best regards,


  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master

    Dear Vad,


    Thanks for the quick response!


    Is there an ETA for the fix? Maybe this week or during this month?


    Best Regards: Tamas Feher, Hungary.

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Tamas,


    We expect the fix tomorrow. It will not require any actions from customer side.


    Best regards,


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