Error 6006 during remote upgrade client by RiTool

dsiecinski Posts: 3 Security Scout

Can someone could tell where i find error List

I got this error as I use RiTool to remotely install "f-secure busines client premium" to  a host in LAN

same user, same password, same subnet, firewall opened,


Error 6006 during installation


help !!


  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    I found

    but that is most likely not what you are using :-D


    Why are you using an alien installer to upgrade instead of a regular policy based upgrade?
    There is no product called "f-secure busines client premium", what is the correct name?


    Where do you get E6006?

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello dsiecinski,


    I guess you are asking about Remote installation tool, and Client Security Premium product.

    Remote installation tool can be used for clean install of PSB Workstation Security.

    It is not compatible with Client Security.

    To upgrade Client Security, use policy based upgrade from Policy Manager console, or MSI package.


    Best regards,


  • dsiecinski
    dsiecinski Posts: 3 Security Scout

    Right ... full name is F-Secure Client Security Premium


     I was manage to push install (upgrade) by Policy manager

    after Turn On "Registry Remote" and Turn Off "Windows firewall" on host


    but in OLD Policy manager I guess v.10 or v.11

    there was a way to discovery hosts WITHOUT domain


    now in Policy manager v.12 CANT do it


    can I do it by "AutoDiscovery Windows host" ?

    what can I put in "Domain name" to discover host on a ordinary LAN (without domain or AD) 



    Thank You for every word




  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    The browsing process is working in the background.
    Workgroups and domains should show up in "NT-Domains" after a minute or so.
    (cosmetic change request: Add "Browsing for Domains" indicator @Ben )


    Do you see the hosts in network neighborhood (Windows Explorer)?
    If not, PMC can't either.


    Try turning off local Firewall, then after 5 Mins try again.


  • dsiecinski
    dsiecinski Posts: 3 Security Scout

    Tank you !

    for answer


    In explorer I see lot of hosts

    but Policy Manager autodiscovery dosent seems working

    even if I click on quick search mode 

    nothing happened after 10 minuts waiting ... still zero hosts


    I prefer not turn off firewall

    Do you know particular port number to do the trick ?


    Thank You !

    for any word

  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    A) Try "File and Printer sharing" profile for your local firewall.

    B) install the console to a windows server, try from there.

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