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Connection error between PM and Client

Arsjupiter Posts: 46 Security Scout

Hi support team !

i have an issue about connection pls help me to check

- On the Client -> F-Secure client security display status normal, and the update is up-to-date

- On the PM server (customer using Business Suite Premium) => Display the connection status is "Disconnect" and the last connected is from Mar 28 2017 already.


Only this PC meet this issue, other PC in the network is normal, pls check my image below.

Thank you very much !


(i have image here but can't see the button to insert picture directly =.=!, so sorry) 




  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    Updates are virwed from the Automatic Update pane, while communication with PM is in Centralized Management.

    Check the file logfile.log for the reason.

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