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Issue in files downloads with F-Secure Server Security Premium

JeromeR Posts: 1 Security Scout



we have some issues in big file size file downloads with F-Secure with real time scanner analyzer.

Big file size download (~300Mo RPM or iso ) are rejected by the solution. Disabling the reak tile scannerr or setting *.iso and *.rpm exclusion solve this issue.

How can be unlimited file size scans ?


No settings are avaiable accross remove web interface.


  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master



    > 300Mo RPM or iso


    Please don't turn on "compressed files scanning" for real-time protection / on-access protection! It is disabled by default due to performance reasons.


    (Both the .RPM and .ISO file formats are archive / compressed / packaged structures and the anti-virus scanner is able to "dissect" them and investigate their inner content. That activity, however carries a large CPU and memory burden and scan compressed files option should be only activated for manual scanning / scheduled scanning, also known as on-demand scanning.)


    Please run this command:

    c:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\FSGUI\fsavaui.exe

    and review your anti-virus settings in the old-fashioned, detailed F-Secure GUI.


    Best Regards: Tamas Feher, Hungary.

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