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How to count the license

wenwen Posts: 3 Security Scout

My office have 4 windows servers(AD,File,Mail,ERP) and about 50 users.

For server protection,  which item I need for purchase?


1. F-Secure Security Standard *4 + F-Secure E-mail and Server Security * 50

2. F-Secure E-mail and Server Security * 50 only


Thanks a lot.


  • wenwen
    wenwen Posts: 3 Security Scout

    Thanks for reply.

    The 50 clients are using F-Secure Client Security currently.


    I will study the Business Suite.


    Thanks a lot.



  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    Then 54 BS is the right choise!
    preferably the premium solution which includes software updater (and virtualization componets).


  • wenwen
    wenwen Posts: 3 Security Scout

    Thank you very much for your professional guidance.

    This year we use 

    FSCS(premium) x50

    FSSS(premium) x4 (Our SI install both FSSS & FSESS on mail server, I will tell them remove one)
    FSESS(premium) x50

    Already placed purchase order last month.


    Next year we will change to BusinessSuite(premium) x54


  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    FSESS is a superset of FSSS so installing FSESS would be enough.


    Upgrading an existing order to business suite should always be possible. Please contact you F-Secure partner about details.

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