james26318 Posts: 40 Security Scout

When I installed the hotfix with FSSS-12.11.103 already installed on the virtual servers - the virus and spyware is malfunction. I don't know how about the physical servers because I didn't have rights yet. 

But it is working with its 12.40.81153 Policy Manager servers.


  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    "12.40.81153 Policy Manager" is the latest PM with Hotfix installed.
    for FSSS-12-.11.103 there is only a hotfix if you are in trouble with the Webui.


    My quick guess here: check FSAUA.CFG for propper http-proxy setting. PM installation superseeds the existing AUA but needs to be configured manualy :-(


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