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Network Malfunction

harish1982 Posts: 14 Contributor

Hi All

After deployed Fsecure from policy manager in few systems showing Red cross symbol in network connection and display message  network malfunction,i disable firewall option in windows and Fsecure.How to resolve this issue,many systems having this issue,in which systems having this issue network is getting very slow,here i have attached the screen shot for your reference.please given solution to resolve this issue.I am waiting for your valubale reply and solutions...Network error.jpg

    Thanks in Advance...



Sr.System Administrator


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    Hello Harish,


    What F-Secure product/version do you have? And what OS is/are affected?


    Best regards,


  • harish1982
    harish1982 Posts: 14 Contributor


    We are using F-Seure policy manager 12 and clients are using using windows 7 professional 64bit and few systems windows 10 64bit.Here i have attached snapshot for your reference...Fsecure.jpg

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    I see. Most likely the problem is with Windows 7 OS, which should have SP1 + fresh Windows updates installed in order to work with F-Secure Firewall driver correctly.


    Best regards,


  • harish1982
    harish1982 Posts: 14 Contributor

    All windows 7 systems having Sp1 but in few systems only getting this kind of error.when ever i deployed popup msg came like driver signature error and showed some path like c:\windows...

    Kindly help to sort out this issue.we disable firewall option in all client systems through policy manager.


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    Yes, the driver signature error means that you don't have fresh Windows updates installed on your computers. SP1 is not enough. Please, install fresh Windows updates.


    Best regards,


  • harish1982
    harish1982 Posts: 14 Contributor

    If i installed windows update network malfunction  error will be solved right???.but in all systems they dont have internet connection,is there any way to resolve this...

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    > If i installed windows update network malfunction  error will be solved right???


    Unfortunately, there is no other way. Windows should have the update which provides support for SHA256 signed drivers for Windows 7.


    Best regards,


  • harish1982
    harish1982 Posts: 14 Contributor

    How to enable trusted network adapter (Intel Pro 10/100/1000mbps) in all systems through policy manager..But i dont want enable firewall there any way because i tried from policy manager.

    Thanks in Advance

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    From Policy Manager Console you can only enable/disable the possibility to select trusted network adapter. Every computer has its own set of network adapters, and you can select trusted one only from local user interface.


    Best regards,


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