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Can't install FSCSP via Push-Installation

WWestermann Posts: 6 Contributor

I have a smal Network and will install the client via Push-Installation.


The client are found and i can choice a jar-file and the PM try to push the Software to the client.

After five minute, maybe more or less, there comes a error:


"Vom Launcher-Dienst wurde ein Fehler gemeldet.

PM Server connection timeout"


Have anyone a solution for me?


  • Most likely the local Windows firewall is or other settings in Windows block access to
    \\host\admin$ (try connecting that from a commandline "net use * \\<hostname>\admin$")


    But in a small network you might be faster by just exporting an MSI-Package from the PMC and run that manually on each client as administrator.  Finding the cause and fixing it usually takes much longer.


    if you need further assistance do not hesitate to contact our support (details below).



  • WWestermann
    WWestermann Posts: 6 Contributor

    Good idea, but not the sokution :)


    When i connect the client i become a new drive-letter "z" and can read and write. But the FSPM say's me that they can't connect the client.


    See bellow picture.Picture from Fail

  • You are not trying to install Client Security to a RDP-Server? That will not work!


    OK, so a local firewall is not blocking.

    The second part is about an RPC beeing issued. Did you enable Remote Registiry Service on all clients?
    see here for further details:


    As I wrote before: consider using the MSI if you need to walk to each PC anyway...

  • WWestermann
    WWestermann Posts: 6 Contributor

    Ups, sorry. Let me explain the Network-Configuration :)


    • Server is windows 2016 as DC
    • Windows 10 Release 1709 as Workstation with RDP
    • another Windows 10 Release 1709 as Support-Workstation, also as RDP configured

    This computer is installed at VMWare 6.


    • Two Windows 10 Release 1709 configured as Thick-Client in the Frontbase

    The Local-Policy is configured by default as "classic"


  • WWestermann
    WWestermann Posts: 6 Contributor

    EDIT: Forgot, all clients are member of the domain :)

  • The RRS is turned OFF by default:
    see here how to change that:
  • WWestermann
    WWestermann Posts: 6 Contributor

    Thanks for the Link.


    But also with this Registry-Entry and te local-policy-Entry dosn't start the automatic installation.


    When i try to install manualy, it's installed, but there isn't listet in Policy Manager.

  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172



    > When i try to install manualy, it's installed, but there isn't listet in Policy Manager.


    Have you done the right-click and "Import auto-registered new hosts" in F-Secure PM Console?


    Best Regards: Tamas Feher, Hungary.





  • SirSalomon
    SirSalomon Posts: 3 Contributor

    Yes, i try it, but it dosn't work...


    Th client is not in the Policy Manager

  • Go to a client and try to connect to

    use a standard browser with no proxy settings
    it is safe to accept the certificate warnings


  • SirSalomon
    SirSalomon Posts: 3 Contributor

    Ok, thanks, i found the fail...


    It whas the Windows-Firewall at the Server, it whas activ.


    I disable it and then the Push-Installation start


    Many thanks, Matthias

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