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How to see if the software updater is active?

Shade Posts: 9 Contributor



How can I see if the software updater in the CS Premium is active and working? 


I have installed the CS Premium, and configured the Software Updater in PMS to be enabled and install "all" updates on a daily basis. I have an offdated 7zip, that is on the list of supported programs on my computer, but it does not get updated.



  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    Hello Shade,


    In the client UI main window you can check Status and Statistics related to Software updater.

    In Settings window > Computer > Software Updater tab you can check the check box "Notify me when installing updates" (this could be done from PM Console as well), and after that all Patch installations will be collecting in local Flyer history (can be checked from F-icon menu in tray on client machine).


    Best regards,


  • Shade
    Shade Posts: 9 Contributor

    I do not have the "Software Updater" tab under Computer in the settings.


    I have tried exporting a new installer from my PMS and checked that the software updater was included in the export, with both 12.33 and 13.11 and in both the "Software Updater" tab never appears.


    I checked my PMS, and also here the software updater is checked enabled and to install all updates daily.

  • Shade
    Shade Posts: 9 Contributor

    Hello Vad,


    Thanks, yes you are right - I used the wrong key.


    It would really help if you implemented a form for control on the keys when we export a client from the PM Server. See this thread also:


    Both cases could have been avoided with a check on the key on export.


    Best regards.


  • Agrar
    Agrar Member Posts: 24 Contributor

    Is it possible to obtain the list from the patch installations in a file too?

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    Hello, Agrar


    If you mean the list of patches on Software updates tab in PMC, then yes, it's possible from context menu (point mouse to one of the table cells): "Export table as text" item.


    Best regards,


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