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How to update isolated F-secure Client

asanka Posts: 49 Contributor

hi all,


i'm trying to update a isolated client using below instructions


but when i execute "fspm-definitions-update-tool.bat" it just exists without doing anything.Please help




  • Sethu Laks
    Sethu Laks Staff, Moderator Posts: 305 W/ Moderator

    Hello @asanka


    There are two methods you can perform reset automatic update engine on your isolated environment.


    Option A:  Follow these below steps which slightly modified, to prepare the tool with Policy Manager server and using it on a client with no internet connection/isolate:

    1. On the machine with F-Secure Policy Manager, prepare the fspm-definitions-update tool by running this command in the command prompt: <F-Secure installation folder>\Management Server 5\prepare-fspm-definitions-update-tool.bat <destination folder>
    2. Transfer the prepared binaries to a machine with internet connection
    3. Run fspm-definitions-update-tool. It will create an file to the execution folder
    4. Copy the fsaua-update.exe and to the client with no internet connection
    5. Run fssaua-update.exe and refer to the folder where is located in. Example: fsaua-update.exe - s C:\folder\



    Option B: If FSAUA reset does not help, you can also  try with our standalone tool  as below.


    1.  Download fsdbupdate9 from our homepage: and save it in USB memory stick.

    2. Take the usb memory stick to that workstation or server and run fsdbupdate9.exe, database updated.

  • asanka
    asanka Posts: 49 Contributor

    Hi Sethu,


    Thanks for your reply.My policy manger server runs on a linux machine(ubuntu).i created the fspm-definitions-update-tool using linux policy manager but when i tranfer and execute the tool on a machine which has a internet connection,tool just exists without creating anything.



  • Sethu Laks
    Sethu Laks Staff, Moderator Posts: 305 W/ Moderator

    Hello @asanka


    Normally, the F-Secure Client secuirty is not being updated to F-Secure Policy Manager Console should be fixed if you perfomed the steps from my previous post.

    If the issue not resolved, I would suggests you to try reset both F-Secure Automatic Update Agent (AUA) and F-Secure Automatic Update Server (AUS) database repositories on your Ubuntu machine.

    Note:  All steps require root privileges.

        /etc/init.d/fsaua stop
        /etc/init.d/fspms stop
        rm -rf /var/opt/f-secure/fsaua/data/content
        rm -rf /var/opt/f-secure/fsaus/data/db
        rm -rf /var/opt/f-secure/fsaus/data/misc
        rm -f /var/opt/f-secure/fspms/logs/fspms-fsauasc.state
        /etc/init.d/fsaua start
        /etc/init.d/fspms start
        sudo -u fspms /opt/f-secure/fspms/bin/fsavupd

    This will also force AUA to download again all database packages. After this, the same files are copied to the AUS repository.

This discussion has been closed.
