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Definition Updates on share



Is ther a way for the FSPM/FSUAU to download new virusdefinitions and put them on a share for clints to update from?

The thing I whant to do is, to get machines in a seperated network to fetch their updates from a share that the FSPM/FSUAU that downloaded and put there. The clients havent got direct connenction to the sever..


I realise that I wont be able to get alarms and the possibility to set up rules and policys.




  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    Hi Christian,


    Unfortunately, there is no such functionality in FSPM/FSAUA.

    Maybe, manual update using fsdbupdate.exe can solve your problem:





  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669

    Why not cascading a second PMS on the inside network?


    Can you tell a bit more why you would not like a PMS to directly fetch the updates?

  • This is sad, though updating via fsdbupdate.exe works on me. It is not what I am looking for, but a bit close so that is fine. image

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