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How to set up PM Server to accept PM Console connections from other computers?

Connecting Policy Manager Console to Policy Manager Server fails when running Console on another computer, because by default Policy Manager Server is set up to only accept connections from localhost.


To enable Policy Manager Server to accept Console connections from network, you need to edit the following registry key.


Windows Server 2003/2008 32-Bit

1. Stop F-Secure Policy Manager Server services

2. Open registry

3. Go to

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Data Fellows\F-Secure\Management Server 5

4. Edit the value of [REG_DWORD] RestrictLocalhost to 0

5. Start F-Secure Policy Manager Server services




Windows Server 2003/2008 64-Bit

1. Stop F-Secure Policy Manager Server services

2. Open registry

3. Go to

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Data Fellows\F-Secure\Management Server 5

4. Edit the value of [REG_DWORD] RestrictLocalhost to 0

5. Start F-Secure Policy Manager Server services




Feel free to post feedback, corrections and suggestions to the article via this thread.


  • klauzser
    klauzser Posts: 12

    Thanks for the tip. However, I would like to know if this will work if you have home network? image

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