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Firewall alert

Lately, I have been having daily problems with my wlan of the following kind: the connection suddenly is broken and the following message is displayed,


Desciption: Firewall alert. More than 10 alerts in 10 seconds, one or more alerts omitted.

Action: Firewall had blocked this traffic.

Time: ...

Direction: Inbound

Ptotocol: tcp

Services: TCP High ports in


What is this? I am running Client Security 9.31 build 118 and Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit..


  • Hi Bernd,


    Is your connection stable? Sometimes it might be due to an unstable connection. The alert is to inform you that it is unusual for normal connections to do so. This is to prevent from outside network attack.


    In order for us to rectify this issue further, please contact our support.

  • Jayson
    Jayson Posts: 106


    I have moved this post to End-point Security board.


    Best Regards,

This discussion has been closed.
