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Linux Security detects Joomla 1.5 Websites as PHP:Backdoor/Brobot.h



after the "F-Secure Hydra Update 2013-04-22_03"  - "hydralinux" Version  "1366630549" all Websites running Joomla 1.5 are detected as PHP:Backdoor/Brobot.h. The index.php file in the document root are renamed as index.php.virus.

I checked this files and there where clean. Also i scanned the whole server and just this index.php file are detected as virus.


Then I runned kaspersky and nothing, no virus detected. I asume that there was something wrong with that update?!


Currently my Webserver running without Antivirus a need a quick solution.


Is there a statement of F-Secure.


Thanks Peter


  • If you can take that file and submit it to (don't forget to register there)
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