Uninstall script / tool



I'm looking for a script / tool that will assist me in un-installing FCS 9.x and FSAV for servers 9.

The current tool works great in uninstalling, but unfortunately it reboots the machine without warning when running it silent.


Can someone please help?


  • Awesome, thanks.
  • Hello Peter,


    you are partically right Robot tongue but! please be sure to read the scritp/tool documentation. UITool using for Server systems are working fine in many cases but not everytime.


    F-Secure dont support using this tool for uninstall AV/CS systems from servers or 64bit Windows XP.




    But as I wrote its working in many cases Smiley Happy


  • @R4gman: why do you need to uninstall V9?

  • A client of ours wants to use a third party software to do deployment with.

    They also would like to use the software for a backout plan for incas esomthing goes installations/upgrades.

    it looks like there app does not like it when another tool/proccess reboots the machine.


    I can't seem to get the -noreboot to work.

  • Sorry, foud out I was using the old uninstall tool. Smiley Very Happy

  • Tripple post FTW....


    Even after downbloading UITool Version 3.0 build 1440. it still reboots the workstation.

    The command I ran was UITool.exe -silent -noreboot

  • try these:


    1. "-a --noreboot"
       New command line switch is implemented "-a --noreboot" (without
       quotes) IMPORTANT note: all files being processed by UT with
       "--noreboot" switch stay on your hard drive until you reboot
       computer, use only if you know what you're doing and do it with
       extreme caution. This switch is not shown in usage help. Remember:
       installing any F-Secure product after using this build on
       Uninstallation Tool before host reboot may lead to unpredictable

    2. "-s" silent



  • woot Smiley Very Happy


    Awesome, it works.

    What's the -a for?

    I see the machine reboots without it.

  • Pras
    Pras Posts: 1

    How then  I uninstall F-secure Launch Pad comes with F-Secure Antivirus 2012. I want to remove this as well as all associated compoenents throgh my script only. Is there command available so that I can execute it thrugh script?

  • FFighter
    FFighter Posts: 6

    Hi MJ-perComp


    i run the Unistallationtool.exe with these parameters from a script


    1. "-a --noreboot"

    2. "-s" silent


    So it looks like this Unistallationtool.exe -a --noreboot -s, yet the tool does not run in silent mode and still needs interaction from the user, surely silent mode should take effect hereunless i have the incorrect format.?


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    Hello FFighter,


    I'm afraid that you are using different (newer) version of Uninstallation tool which doesn't support silent installation.

    Look at this thread:



    Best regards,


  • FFighter
    FFighter Posts: 6

    Hi Vad,


    Thank you for informing me about this, do you not know perhaps which version still supported this and if so direct me to the link where i am able to download it from please.



  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    As far as I know, we don't have links to older versions. Please, contact support, most likely they will be able to help you.


    Best regards,


  • FFighter
    FFighter Posts: 6

    Hi Vad


    i have an issue, as we have a network that wants to replace their vendor of Antivirus, so we will need to mass remove this using a script of some sort as we do not have access to the console.



  • Rybisak
    Rybisak Posts: 4

    Hi FFighter,


    you want remove F-Secure or another AV?

  • FFighter
    FFighter Posts: 6
  • FFighter
    FFighter Posts: 6

    Hi Rybis


    Yes removal of F-Secure. without it being a manual process as the silent mode is no longer in use. is there an unattend file we could use.?



  • Rybisak
    Rybisak Posts: 4

    Hi FFighter,


    did you try as is in http://community.f-secure.com/t5/End-point/Latest-Uninstall-tool/td-p/24496 unpack the exe file and get UninstallationTool.exe from there?

    1. rename original tool.exe to .TAR

    2. open it in any package manager (i use 7zip)

    3. open folder DATA-1

    4. unpack UninstallationTool.exe to any folder


    I havent my virtual now and cant test silence parameter for this but this exe file seems to be older UITool version included into new one and updated by macros and some special adds


    I test it now its not work

  • Rybisak
    Rybisak Posts: 4

    I try some variations and:


    C:\test>UninstallationTool.exe -s-a--GUI

    probably uninstall F-Secure without any info and reboot. Please try it also and let me know. May be I ahve a different version of UITool

  • FFighter
    FFighter Posts: 6



    Unfortunately  this did not work, no DATA-1 file was found, I have run all different variations of switches “-a” ‘-s” “noreboot” altogether, different sequence “-a --noreboot” ,”-a --noreboot -s” still no luck, further assistance is required please



  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    Hello FFighter,


    Did you try to contact support? I'm sure they will find an older version for you, which works in silent mode.


    Best regards,


  • How I mentioned in the other thread th ony way to uninstall silent is: Extract downloaded EXE file and use the uninstallationtool.exe from the extracted files. I don't think that there are any possible parameters.

This discussion has been closed.
