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PSB workstation push via GPO

I have been wanting this for a long time. Has anyone found a way to deploy PSB workstation via GPO?

i am asking since PSB Workstation 10 was released, maybe some new feature will allow this? =)




  • Jagadesan
    Jagadesan Posts: 13

    Hi SportinSS,

    With regards to your problem, unfortunately we do not support installation through GPO but you can use the Remote Installation Tool from the psb download page to do a remote installation.


    Best Regards,

  • Dmitriy
    Dmitriy Posts: 179

    I suppose it should be possible to install PSB Workstation client via GPO if you create a MSI package that will run the setup program in the silent mode (see this article for more information). We do not provide MSI packages for PSB clients, but you could try to use 3rd party tools (such as WiX, to wrap the EXE file with required parameters for the silent installation.

  • SportinSS
    SportinSS Posts: 5

    Hey man that worked! Thank you very much. I didn't know i could export to MSI like this. Is this new? I have asked support this a number of times, "Is there a way to deploy via GPO", and they tell me no.


    Now i just need an easy way to manage F-Secure via LPI (Level Platforms). Thanks! 

  • SportinSS
    SportinSS Posts: 5

    Thanks for the info!


    etomcat had it just right, i could export to MSI and it's working perfectly!


    Thanks for your help guys =)

  • Dmitriy
    Dmitriy Posts: 179

    Nice to know that it works! Keep in mind, though, that the MSI template used in Policy Manager to create MSI packages has been designed and tested with PM-based products. We will certainly consider providing proper tools to create MSI packages for PSB clients as well.

This discussion has been closed.
