Hello, how can I see the hostname instead of UID in policy manager 10?

Hello, how can I see the hostname instead of UID in policy manager 10?


  • I am also looking for the hostname. Thank you for sharing the answer for this one. image

  • MakLeo
    MakLeo Posts: 7
    This is not a solution? Also pls tell me a solution for blank Management Server address in clients?
  • Jayson
    Jayson Posts: 106

    Hi MakLeo,

    Kindly elaborate your issue with more detail so we could understand better and assist you further.


    Best Regards,

  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172



    > tell me a solution for blank Management Server address in clients


    It is no longer possible to use F-Secure Client Security 10/11 and F-Secure Anti-Virus for Workstation 10/11 products in standalone or not centrally managed mode.


    (That's probably an anti-piracy measure. FSCS 9.x used a fixed string, never expiring keycode, which was all over the web on warez sites, allowing unscrupulous people to enjoy a great capable antivirus and personal firewall product for free and complete with 4-hourly updates, that cost F-Secure Corp. significant money.)


    However, with this change, some legitimate customers may have problem maintaining / introducing  the client's central management via the company HQ on-premises FSPM server, for example lots of travelling notebooks without robust corporate VPN infrastructure? In such a case F-Secure sales will be able to replace your FSCS licences with PSB licences, which uses a cloud-based central management, without a local FSPM server. As long as the clients have a connection to the public net, they stay under central managment and updating authroity. The sysadmin can connect via a web browser based interface.


    Sincerely: Tamas Feher, Hungary.

  • MakLeo
    MakLeo Posts: 7



    Actually all my client's "central management" address show like http://        only, no IP or server name. In this case with your solution how can i change the clients settings from PM server?

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    Hello MakLeo,


    > Actually all my client's "central management" address show like http://        only


    This means that your clients are installed in Standalone mode. To move to centralized mode you need to reinstall them in centralized mode from Policy Manager console or MSI package.


    Best regards,


  • MakLeo
    MakLeo Posts: 7



    1. How my clients gone in  "standalone mode".

    2. How can i get them back?

    I have to do it manually or deploy the MSI pkg through some other machenisum because i am not able to deploy it through Policy of FSPM ,as you suggested!

    Let me clear one more issue i am unable to import clients through "Import clients from AD", I am able to import only Local network PC/Server  not the entire AD, despite haveing Domain Admin prevlege.

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069



    1. One thing comes to my mind. Please, open Policy Manager Console in Anti-Virus mode. Check what do you have in Settings->Centralized management->Policy Manager Server settings->Policy Manager Server field. Does it contain the IP of your PM?

    Few more questions to clarify your situation. What product/version is installed on your client hosts? Are your clients visible/manageable from PM Console?


    Best regards,


  • MakLeo
    MakLeo Posts: 7



    Server IP is there. But earlier when I recovered my database from crash, for 2-3 hrs it was not there, then i rectified it.

    And those clients taken policy update gone in standalone mode. My question is that , how can i bring those clients in my console back.

    FSPM 10, FSCS9.32 and AV for server 9.00




  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069



    Seems that the only way fot you is to reinstall. If you can't use PM console "Push install" for reinstallation of clients, then you need to export MSI package with correct PM ip and install it manually or using group policy.


    Best regards,


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