Web reporting doesn't work on Linux (CentOS 6.4) Policy Manager Server 10.20



On all our PMS (Linux Centos 6.4), Web reporting doesn't work. Our servers are only in command line (no graphical interface).

When we configured the PMS server with the command /opt/f-secure/fspms/bin/fspms-config, the web reporting was enable and listen on default port.


We have tested to change the listening port, reboot the fspms service but no change.

Here is the result of the command wget http://localhost:8081 on the local server (in French):


wget http://localhost:8081
--2013-12-31 11:06:23-- http://localhost:8081/
Resolution de localhost..., ::1
Connexion vers localhost||:8081...connecte.
requete HTTP transmise, en attente de la reponse...Aucune donnee recue.
Nouvel essai.


--2013-12-31 11:06:24-- (essai: 2) http://localhost:8081/
Connexion vers localhost||:8081...connecte.
requete HTTP transmise, en attente de la reponse...Aucune donnee recue.
Nouvel essai.


Thanks, in advance




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