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Software Updater - Itunes



We have recently purchased the full version of 11.5 premium and am running with the latest version of the policy manager and everything is working very well so far.  I have it install on 45 computers which i am using for testing before rolling it onto the 800 computers we run.


Anyway all software updates apart from itunes and quicktime,  It just gives the error "Cannot download".  This is for multiple versions of itunes and has been like this for over a month.  I have upgraded itunes manually on a few of the machines and it disapeared from the list but then as soon as another update was availible the same problem.


Is this just something with Apple products not playing ball?  Has anyone else had this very minor problem?  I would like to have all software that it detects to be updated without error.


Hopefully someone can help




  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664

    Hello Jedflash,


    The Software Updater component will fetch the updates directly from the 3rd party vendor's sites.

    In your case directly from Apple.


    Is there any restriction(firewall) on the network that could prevent access to Apple download sites?

  • Jedflash
    Jedflash Posts: 22



    Thanks for the reply.  No restrictions that i am aware of.  I am able to go to the website and download the updates myself direct from apple via IE or Firefox.  The only thing i cant think of is that you has to tick a box to download and in some way this gets in the way.


    I cannt see of any reason why this would occur which is why i wanted to see if anyone else is having the same problem.


    Could you try and replicate this in some way?



  • Jedflash
    Jedflash Posts: 22

    Anyone any ideas?

  • Jedflash
    Jedflash Posts: 22

    All other updates are installing just not itunes and quicktime.  Both of these give the error that they cannot be donwloaded.


    Can anyone help?


    Is no-one else having this problem?

  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664

    Hi Jedflash,


    In order to be able to investigate better the issue you are facing, please open a support ticket and provide an fsdiag from one of the impacted workstation.

  • Jedflash
    Jedflash Posts: 22

    Thank you i will get this done asap

  • Janne_
    Janne_ Posts: 2

    We have the same issue.

    Would be great to get som feedback regarding this issue.

  • Jedflash
    Jedflash Posts: 22



    Glad ( maybe the wrong word) to hear that someone else is having the same problem.  That looks more likely its not just a problem with our setup.


    I have submitted a support request on firday and sent the fsdiag and i will report back when i hear anything back.



  • Jedflash
    Jedflash Posts: 22

    It looks like it is a bug in the software updator tool which means it does not connect to HTTPS URL's.


    Fsecure are sending me an update to test and hopefully they will then release this asap.



  • Janne_
    Janne_ Posts: 2

    Sounds good!

    Thanks for posting.

  • Jedflash
    Jedflash Posts: 22



    The new .exe that Fsecure provided me with now allows itunes and other updates downloaded via Software Updator using an HTTPS address.


    The problem is you need to add this exe into the Fsecure folder in program files, to do this you have to disable the services.


    I am current finding out if this can be realeased as a new version as i dont have time to go to every machines an apply this update and do it to every new remote install.  We have over 700 machines lol



  • Jedflash
    Jedflash Posts: 22



    To update everyone Fsecure have provided a hotfix to apply via the PM.  Im testing this over the next few days and will report back.




  • Chrissy
    Chrissy Posts: 40
    Thanks for the update, Jedflash. Hope this works out for you!

    // Chrissy
This discussion has been closed.
