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cannot install update

The following updates give errors in PM:


- CVE-2014-0297

- CVE-2014-0257


The error is: Could not install update.


Visio Professional 2013 (x64) is giving error Could not download update.


How do I update these products?


  • Frisjo
    Frisjo Posts: 8

    Dear jao0201. 


    In this case i would suggest that you open a support ticket for investigation to why these updates dosent install. Please remember to attach an Fsdiag in the request. 

    The support ticket can be opened here




  • Laksh
    Laksh Posts: 237

    Hi jao0201,


    Has your issue been resolved using the case number you created? We are just doing a follow up on the status of the issue.



This discussion has been closed.
