Email message is blank in Outlook - Empty email

I have a problem with the Client Security 10 and Outlook 2007-2010. It had already happened with versions 9.x .. In essence, it happens by chance that some emails downloaded to Outlook appear empty (no object sender-without-without body). In fact, if I see the email directly to the original file webmail / mail server, the email exists and is properly entered.




  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    Hello Ijub,


    I would recommend you to upgrade to a newer version of Client Security (10.01, 11.00 or 11.50). This versions have several fixes in e-mail scanning module (same for all mentioned versions).

    If this doesn't help, please, contact support. We'll need e-mail scanning debug logs to find out the root.


    Best regards,


  • Davs76
    Davs76 Posts: 2

    I have the same problem, was found a solution?



  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664

    Hello Davs76, 


    Can you confirm that you have tried upgrading to one of the following version 10.01, 11.00 or 11.50 as advised by Vad?


    If so please proceed to open a support ticket so that we can investigate further.


    Thank you.

  • ljub
    ljub Posts: 6

    As advised, I upgraded from version 10.x to version 11:50. Nothing has changed. The problem persists. Do you have any other advice. Sorry for my English.

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    Hello ljub,


    Please, contact support. We'll need fsdiag and debug logs from affected host(s) for investigation.


    Best regards,


  • ljub
    ljub Posts: 6

    I sent the request to support, attaching I hope for a resolution of this problem that has been going on for several years, certainly since the first time I started to install this product (about 3 years ago - version 9.11). Point out that the mail server is a IceWarp. It is not pleasant for my users lose mails, especially in the workplace.

  • ljub
    ljub Posts: 6

    At the moment the only solution is to disable the email scanning. There is no other solution!

  • Davs76
    Davs76 Posts: 2

    I confirm, no other solution found!


    I am very frustrated of the situation.


    please find a solution





  • ljub
    ljub Posts: 6

    After 3 days, tech support responded.
    If they did not answer was better! ... They can not put the blame on the mail server.
    Honestly, I'm doing abandon this product to my clients, to something that I guarantee adequate protection in particular on the mail.


    Dear recipient,

    When replying to this message, please keep the subject unchanged. This e-mail is related to the following F-Secure Service Request:

    SR ID:   1-***
    Created: 2014-04-14 06:54:45 PM
    Subject: Email message is blank in Outlook - Empty email


    Dear ***,

    Thank you for contacting F-Secure.

    With regards to your enquiry, when we checked the IceWarp mail server information from their website, it seems to use SSL/TSL encryption by default:

    "By default, all services utilize SSL/TLS encryption, supporting deployments of every kind, from small business single-server installations to multi-server load-balanced platforms that serve tens of thousands of users"

    Kindly confirm to us if the mail server do use SSL/TSL encryption.

    In our F-Secure Client Security, E-mail scanning works only with unencrypted e-mails using protocols POP3, IMAP or SMTP, as stated in our release notes:

    Kindly check the paragraph under Email Scanning under topic 5.4 for more information.

    Please feel free to contact us again should you need further assistance.

    Thank you.

    Best Regards,   

  • Dmitriy
    Dmitriy Posts: 179



    Scanning emails coming in/out over TLS/SSL is not possible without a special plug-in for email client software or breaking encryption. If you are using IceWarp with anti-virus and anti-spam enabled on the server side and if your end users are not checking email from other/external mail servers which may not be properly protected, then it should be safe to disable email scanning in Client Security altogether. It is more efficient to combat email-borne malware and spam on the gateway or mail-server side than on the end point. Also, note that Client Security is capable to scan email attachments when they are opened and hit the local disk.

This discussion has been closed.
