about standalone client


I have a question - in our company we have a Policy Manager Console for centralized control computers in domain. But i need install a few packages of F-Secure  on standalone machines, which not in domain. How i must do? Export packages from Policy Console? If yes - i can't see "standalone export". If no - i need solution for this question. 



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  • Chrissy
    Chrissy Posts: 40

    Hi @Mike1987


    Welcome to our Community!

    I've moved your message to a more relevant board so that your message will be more easily found and discussed by our users and experts Smiley Wink



    // Chrissy

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    Hello Mike1987,


    Standalone installation has not been supported since F-Secure Client Security version 10.00. This is mentioned in Client Security release notes "Installation an system requirements" chapter.


    Is it possible for you to use PSB Workstation Security for standalone machines?


    Best regards,


  • Laksh
    Laksh Posts: 237

    Hi Mike1987,


    As of F-Secure Client Security version 10, it is not possible to install F-Secure Client Security as a standalone installation and it requires Policy Manager for installation. It is also mentioned in the release notes of the Client Security (http://download.f-secure.com/corpro/cs/current/cs1151-release-notes.htm)


    You may refer to this link for more information:




  • Mike1987
    Mike1987 Posts: 3

    You mean that standalone client must have connection with Policy Manager server?

  • AndyY
    AndyY Posts: 14

    Hi Mike1987,


    The Client Security clients must have connection with the Policy Manager server for it to be able to download policy file updates. For standalone workstations, it is recommended to use PSB for Workstations as it is managed through cloud services.


    Best Regards,
    Andy Yoon

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  • Mike1987
    Mike1987 Posts: 3

    But  i  need  a new license for it?

  • Laksh
    Laksh Posts: 237

    Hi Mike1987,


    The Client Security and PSB for workstation are different products and they have different licenses. You may check with our Sales team for knowing further on the details:






  • Shahrir
    Shahrir Posts: 9

    Hi Mike1987,


    Are you able to contact our sales team with regards of your inquiry?

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