Upgrade from PM 9.0 to PM 10.0


I have tried to upgrade from policy manager 9.0 to 10.0 on  a Windows 2008 Server standard SP 2. The migration wizard opens (automatically) during installation and I enter the paths to the Fsec backup directory (that I have made) with Commdir and admin.pub and admin.prv.

The migration starts, but it stops with the following error:
Data Migration progress
Preparing for migration Error: statementCallback; bad SQL grammar [SELECT * FROM pms_properties]; nested exception is org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Table "PMS_PROPERTIES" not found; SQL statement:
SELECT * FROM pms_properties [42102-164].


I have a virtual machine with the same server, and when I try to upgrade from PM 9.0 to PM 10.0, it works.

Is there anyone who can help me solve the problem?
Bets regards


  • Pekko
    Pekko Posts: 13

    Hi claesjens,


    for this I think the best option is to open a case with Support at http://www.f-secure.com/en/web/business_global/support/contact/request.


    Anyway, I suggest you a workaround over here. When you say "I have a virtual machine with the same server, and when I try to upgrade from PM 9.0 to PM 10.0, it works." I understand that on this virtual server you have the same database as on the failling one and they have the same information. If so, and if you are now running version 10 on the virtual server,  you can use the succesfully migrated Database and import it on the other server. You could remove Policy Manager 9, then install Policy Manager 10 and after that import the database from the virtual server. I know is a long workaround, but might be worth trying. Of course, do the pertinent backups on version 9.


    Follow these steps to backup the Database on the Virtual server running version 10.


    1 - Stop the Policy Manager Server service.
    2 - Backup the folder [F-Secure Installation Dir]\Management Server 5\data\h2db.
    3 - Start the Policy Manager Server service.


    Then, on the other server, after removing version 9 and installing version 10, 


    1 - Stop Policy Manager Server.
    2 - Rename the fpms.h2 database to fpms.h2.OLD (for example) C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\Management Server 5\data\h2db

    3 - Copy the h2db file from the virtual server on the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\Management Server 5\data\h2db
    3 - Start Policy Manager Server.
    4 - Connect to Policy Manager Console. The password will be the same as in the virtual server.

This discussion has been closed.
