How to exclude folder in Deepguard?

Everson Member Posts: 23 Contributor

We use Policymanager 11.20 and CS 9.51 build 284 versions

F-secure ClientSecurity 9.x Deepguard is suddenly dectecting Dameware as dangerous in all application. How can I exclude this programs from Deepguard scanning? I still want Deepguard to be enable.


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    Hello Evereson,


    Unfortunately, the only way to exclude applications in DeepGuard is adding SHA-1 hashes to Applications table for every application.

    BTW, we don't have product version 9.51 for CLient Security. Other 9.x versions are not supported for pretty long time. Maybe 9.51 applies to F-Secure Anti-Virus module version, which is a part of CS product?


    Best regards,


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