Migrating F-Secure Policy Manager

riddlemeright Posts: 3 Contributor

I am trying to migrate our Policy Manager from our old server to a new one.  Both servers are up at this time.  I successfully installed the new policy manager, but the clients are not looking to the new server even though I've updated them to do so in the old policy manager.  Any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated.  I am using version 10.x.


  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664

    Hello riddlemeright,


    Please refer to Siltanen's post on this thread. It contains the full migration procedure for Policy Manager.

  • riddlemeright
    riddlemeright Posts: 3 Contributor
    I did try to follow that set of instructions, but it never pushed out to the clients. I can try to run through it again, but I'm not sure what didn't work.
  • riddlemeright
    riddlemeright Posts: 3 Contributor

    I'm struggling with the directions to migrate the f-secure policy manger.  The old server is no longer on the network.  It was failing and needed to be taken down.  The new server is running and sees the hosts, but I need it to push to all clients the updated policy manager and update server.  Any suggestions?  The policy indicates distributed.  Again, sorry to bother, but I'm in a bit of a pickle

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