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virus on alot of pc's this morning

hi. We are a school with about 200+ windiws 7 machines. This morning vi disovered that f-secure detects this viris on alot of them "gen.dos.bootinfector.aaw@aaaaa"


any one know what it is and how i got in? seem to mee it infects over the network.


  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664

    Hello Asco,


    Thank you for reporting that.
    This is most likely a false positive and should be now fixed with the latest Hydra update (F-Secure Hydra Update 2015-02-20_01).
    Could you try to update your network and confirm is the detection is still present?
  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172



    > should be now fixed with the latest Hydra update


    Sounds strange? FSC viruslab told me this alert was an Aquarius DB false detection, so how is this remedied by a Hydra update, which belongs to a different scanner engine?


    Thanks in advance, Yours Sincerely: Tamas Feher, 2F 2000 Kft., Hungary.

  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664



    The above mentioned hydra update included an exclusion to avoid the detection.

    The white-list in this case should have effect on all engines.

This discussion has been closed.
