f-secure for workstation deinstalleiren

Rhodi Posts: 1 Contributor


I am new and almost without no knowledge about f-secure.

I need to remove "f-secure for workstation 11.5" form dozen of machines  using the management console. The problem is, i have no idea how to make it.

Would someone give me a little hint?

Thank you


  • Laksh
    Laksh Posts: 237

    Hi @Rhodi,


    I have moved your post to the Business board so that everyone can have a look and assist you.

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    Hello Rhodi,


    To uninstall a product, in Policy Manager Console switch to Installation tab.

    Select a specific host or sub-domain and press "Uninstall" button:




    You will need to provide the same installer jar you used for installation in further dialog.


    Best regards,


  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172



    If the JAR file is not available any more for older versions, then the sysadmin could theoretically create a "scheduled task" parameter in the PM console and specify the "uitool" utility program in a generic job type.


    However, I don't know if this method defeats the end-user interactive step required in the "uitool" uninstallation wizard?


    Best Regards: Tamas Feher, Hungary.

This discussion has been closed.
