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Product is not opened

Hari Posts: 4 Contributor

f-secure.JPGF-secure_1.JPGF-secure_1.JPGDear Sir, I installed f-secure client security premium . its taking update and scanning also happened. but product is not opened. some pcs opened same xp machine.


  • RobertoSilvaChu
    RobertoSilvaChu Posts: 33 Contributor



    The S.O. of this machine is Windows XP?

    The last version of Client Security, dont support Windows XP, only Windows Vista and above.


    Best Regards,


    Roberto Chu

  • Hari
    Hari Posts: 4 Contributor
    HI sir,

    but we install more than ten pc all are xp machine.

    same version is installed. it will opened.

  • Dmitriy
    Dmitriy Posts: 179



    F-Secure still support Windows XP with Client Security 11.x, but it must have SP3 and all latest hotfixes installed. If the computer meets the system requirements, then I'd suggest you to open a ticket and provide FSDiag report from that machine where the product malfunctions.



  • Hari
    Hari Posts: 4 Contributor

    ok thank you.Smiley Happy

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