Scheduled virus definitions download

FredrikJ Posts: 3 Contributor

What should I use for Scheduling Parameters under Scheduled Tasks in the Policy Manager 12 so that computers should only download virus definitions after 23:00 or between 23:00 to 9:00


Policy Manager 12.00

F-Secure Anti-Virus 9.51



Fredrik Johansson


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    Hello Fredrik,


    Scheduling Parameters you mentioned are not related to virus definitions downloads directly. They are related to virus scanning. All virus definitions downloading related settings are on "Automatic Updates" tab in Policy Manager Console.

    It is possible to schedule any command line execution using Generic Scheduled task type, but we don't have built in the product AUA binary, which supports command line interface.


    Best regards,


  • FredrikJ
    FredrikJ Posts: 3 Contributor

    Thanks for your quick answer.


    Under Task Type in the Scheduled Tasks can I choose Poll for Updates. What can you use this task for?


    I thought it was for virus database updates

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    Now I understand. Task type "Poll for updates" is not supported already for a pretty long time, that's why i didn't recall about such parameter at all. So, unfortunately, you can't use it.

    Please, contact support. We can provide you a special aua command line tool, which you can launch on the client side using Generic task type.


    Best regards,


  • FredrikJ
    FredrikJ Posts: 3 Contributor

    Thanks for your reply.


    It was a pity that feature is not available in PMC.

    We have a lot of computers that we want to control when they can download virus db updates.


    Do you know if this is something that will come in the future?
    It would be very much appreciated by us if the function was available in PMC.



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