ODBC Connection to H2DB

egm Posts: 3 Contributor



I'm referring to this thread: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/Business/3rd-Party-reporting-Tools/td-p/53463


Currently I'm trying to connect my PLSQL ODBC Driver to the F-Secure PM 12 H2DB.

I tried to start the PM service with the changed registry entries mentioned in the thread "3rd Party reporting Tools", but the Jetty server crashes everytime with the parameters odbcConnectorEnabled, odbcConnector.pgAllowOthers and odbcConnector.pgPort enabled (seen in the fpms-service.log file).


Are these parameters not compatible with PM 12 anymore? Is there a chance to use a ODBC connection?


Thanks in advance



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  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664

    Hi Egm,


    Is jetty crashing only after you added this values(they should still be valid)? 

    Could you share the mentioned logs as well as a screenshot of the registry entries you added?


  • egm
    egm Posts: 3 Contributor

    Hi Ben,


    thanks for your answer.

    Jetty is only crashing if one or more of these arguments are added:




    works fine.



    The registry entrys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Data Fellows\F-Secure\Management Server 5:



    -Dh2ConsoleEnabled=true -odbcConnectorEnabled=true -odbcConnector.pgAllowOthers=true -odbcConnector.pgPort=5435

    Here is the log:

    2016/02/18 11:34:27	[INFO]	<<< Log opened for append >>>
    2016/02/18 11:34:27	[INFO]	jetty workDir      = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\Management Server 5'
    2016/02/18 11:34:27	[INFO]	jetty startCommand = '"C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\Management Server 5\jre\bin\java.exe" -server -Xverify:none -Xrs -Dkeystore="C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\Management Server 5\config\fspms.keystore" -Duser.language= -Duser.country= -Duser.variant= -Dos.version=6.1 -Dos.type=3 -Dos.typeExtended=7 -Dos.servicePackVersion=1.0 -Dfspmc.version=12.00 -Dfspms.previousVersion=11.31.60662 -Dfspms.firstInstallationTime=1435663387036 -Dfspms.installationTime=1435663387036 -Dfspms.home="C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\Management Server 5" -Dfspms.logs="C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\Management Server 5\logs" -Dfsaua.configDir="C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\FSAUA" -DhostModulePort=40080 -DadminModulePort=48080 -DadminModuleListeningInterface= -DausRedirectedPort=2380 -DwebReportingEnabled=true -DwebReportingPort=48081 -DdataPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\Management Server 5\data" -Dlog4j.configuration="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/F-Secure/Management Server 5/config/fspms.log4j.properties" -Xms64M -Xmx512M -Dh2ConsoleEnabled=true -odbcConnectorEnabled=true -odbcConnector.pgAllowOthers=true -odbcConnector.pgPort=5435 -DSTOP.PORT=8079 -DSTOP.KEY=secret -cp "C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\Management Server 5\lib\*" com.fsecure.fspms.PolicyManagerServer'
    2016/02/18 11:34:27	[INFO]	jetty stopCommand  = '"C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\Management Server 5\jre\bin\java.exe" -Xrs  -Xms64M -Xmx512M  -DSTOP.PORT=8079 -DSTOP.KEY=secret -cp "C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\Management Server 5\lib\*" com.fsecure.fspms.PolicyManagerServer --stop'
    2016/02/18 11:34:27	[INFO]	Starting Jetty...
    2016/02/18 11:34:27	[DEBUG]	WaitForMultipleObjects returned 0
    2016/02/18 11:34:27	[ERROR]	Jetty process (java.exe) crashed, exit code was 1
    2016/02/18 11:34:27	[INFO]	Waiting 20 seconds...
    2016/02/18 11:34:47	[INFO]	Starting Jetty...
    2016/02/18 11:34:47	[DEBUG]	WaitForMultipleObjects returned 0
    2016/02/18 11:34:47	[ERROR]	Jetty process (java.exe) crashed, exit code was 1
    2016/02/18 11:34:47	[INFO]	Waiting 20 seconds...
    and so on...



  • egm
    egm Posts: 3 Contributor

    Thanks! That worked for me!

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