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IT consulting firm would like to use F-Secure on client workstations

Inquire Posts: 1 Contributor


I have a small IT consulting firm and currently seeking different Virus protection.

1. Symantec was fine but the protection it provides is not enough. virus slips through

2. Bitdefender might have good protection but it keeps on bluescreening my clients. The workstation that got bluescreened are all new freshly installed Win7Pro machines.

3. Now I am looking at F-secure, it got a point off because I can't seem to find a phone number to a live human that I may talk over the phone, but none the less

   a. Are F-Secure hypervisor aware?

   b. Does F-Secure have a mode of installation where the endpoint can be installed at unmanaged?

   c. Can I just add up the number of workstations from all of my clients combined and prucahse that number or I will need to buy licenses under my client's business one by one?

    d. Does F-Secure have any sort of MSP based antivirus that I can charge to the client by month?

    e. How does the liecensing work? Do I need to go around and install the licenses on every workstation once a year or can it be done automatically?



  • Laksh
    Laksh Posts: 237

    Hi Inquire,


    Regarding your enquiry about the contact numbers, you may find the list of contact numbers to talk to our support team in here.

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