Client Security services stop on W7

Alfa Posts: 16 Contributor


Windows 7 Pro SP1, F-Secure Client Security 12.00 build 648. On one Lenovo ThinkPad we see that several times per day services FSDFWD (F-Secure Anti-Virus Firewall Daemon), F-Secure Networ... (F-Secure Network Request Broker) and FSORSPClient (F-Secure ORSP Client) stopped. No hints in Windows Events either. For solving this wo restarting computer is needed to restart fsma (F-Secure Management Agent) service. For some time it's ok, but then it happens again – could be some 5 times during day. We removed F-Secure and installed again, no help. On this device is also installed F-Secure Freedome, this is installed on this particular computer only which differs it from other some 30 computers on site.

More thanks, Alar.


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    Hello Alfa,


    Please, contact support. We need more details about your machine/configuration for investigation.

    You may try to remove F-Secure Freedome temporarily, and check, if it helps to resolve the issue with Client Security.


    Best regards,



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