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Constant firewall blocking alerts

Everson Member Posts: 23 Contributor

Several computers on my network began to display the firewall blocking alert with the description of NMAP TCP scan, but all computers in NAT protected by a Security Gateway, and these attacks start from several remote addresses, some coming from google, amazon and akamai .

But I realized that these warnings started to appear after activating the DPI-SSL feature (Deep Packet Inspection of Secure Socket Layer) that
Inspect SSL traffic When the client is on the firewall's LAN, and accesses content located on the WAN.


Really I can be suffering an attack or F-Secure may be interpreting wrongly the DPI-SSL feature?


  • Ben
    Ben Posts: 664

    Hello Everson, 


    Could you tell us is Intrusion Prevention is enabled on your end-points?

    If so could you try disabling it to see if you still get alerts?

    See this article on this feature.

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