selected domain is read only and cannot be used as a target

asanka Posts: 49 Contributor

Hi All,


I'm getting the below error when importing clients to the policy manager.user has full access rights.any idea?Smiley Indifferent


"selected domain is read only and cannot be used as a target"









  • Is this target domain bound to any ActiveDirectory synchronization rule? 

  • asanka
    asanka Posts: 49 Contributor

    hi Dandelion,


    Yes.there is a ActiveDirectory synchronization rule.



  • Hi,


    by design, the domains bound to AD synchronization rules can't be updated manually. You should use another domain for the hosts you'd like to add. 

  • asanka
    asanka Posts: 49 Contributor



    You meant sub domain?how to create a another domain and add clients?Please elaborate



  • asanka
    asanka Posts: 49 Contributor



    Thanks.issue is resolved now.just a another question.i just updated policy manger 12 to 12.20 and clients to 12.20 but client security shows cross mark saying that network connections malfunction.Please reply



  • Hello, 


    it's hard to say without specific data from your environment what's wrong. Please contact the F-Secure support on that issue. 

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069

    Hello asanka,


    Network connections malfunction most likely is shown because F-Secure Anti-Virus Firewall Daemon service failed to start for some reason.

    To find the reason, additional information from affected machine(s) is required.


    Best regards,


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